Loving God By

Loving People


Our Mission

Loving God, by Loving people

Our mission as a church is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, understanding that our limits are the whole world.

We’re instructed in Mark 16:15 to preach the gospel, the Good News. In Mark 28:19 He gives them instructions to make each believer a disciple. Our mission is to preach the Gospel to all creation and make of each believer a disciple..


Our Pastors, Cesar and Veronica Valdes

In 1988, Pastor Cesar lived a supernatural encounter with Jesus Christ that radically changed his life. 

It was at that time that he heard the calling of God to serve Him by preaching the Gospel, which he has done without delay, first in Mexico for seven and a half years, and in the United States for another seven and half years. 

In 2005, along with his wife Pastor Veronica and his family they were guided by God to begin the works as we now know as MC Church in San Antonio, TX(in the process of changing names), which has its humble beginnings in a small apartment and has continued to grow to what is is now. Along with his wife and family, they have decided to be faithful to the calling God has given them and develop continually in Integrity and Skill to save the greatest number of souls possible.
